May 22nd - November 21st, 2021

Mutualities by the Interdisciplinary Forum Neurourbanism.
Collateral Event of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Location: Spazio Ravà, San Polo, 1100 (Riva del Vin)
Opening hours: 10 am - 6 pm, closed on Tuesday.
Save the date: The Interdisciplinary Forum Neurourbanism e.V. will co-organise a symposium on September 16th to present the exhibition catalogue and discuss results of the explorative research as well as the broader perspectives of neurourbanism with respect to the cities we want to live in.
The collateral event Mutualities at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition “How will we live together,” which will take place in Venice from May 22nd through November 2021, is curated by LAAS/spacecouncil and organised by the Interdisciplinary Forum Neurourbanism e.V. (IFNU).
Mutualities makes explicit the interactions between people, common spaces, nature and digital technology. Mutualities builds on neurourbanism, the psychological and neuroscientific urban research to envision the city as it might be. Along specific themes, the exhibition shows interactive scenes (videos) of human activities in common spaces that have become smarter, more autonomous and more self-learning.
Ludwig Engel and Joerg Fingerhut consulted on the project and will be present for the opening days. IFNU will use the gallery as an experimental space during the summer as part of a research seminar organised by Joerg Fingerhut (Berlin School of Mind and Brain) that will explore how the experience of shared urban spaces can be influenced by user-responsive designs based on intelligent algorithms. In what ways will smart cities influence our lives? How could they foster mental health? Would we trust an Artificial intelligence (AI) that makes use of the preferences and data of city dwellers to predict the spaces we want to inhabit or engage with? To address such questions, we will combine perspectives from urban design with empirically engaged philosophy and cognitive neuroscience. Collaborators on this exploration will be Aenne Brielmann, MPI Tübingen, Klaus Gramann, TU Berlin, among others.
The Interdisciplinary Forum Neurourbanism e.V. will co-organise a symposium on September 16th to present the exhibition catalogue and discuss results of the explorative research as well as the broader perspectives of neurourbanism with respect to the cities we want to live in.
To read more about Mutualities, please click here.
To view information about Mutualities as a collateral event, you get to the website of La Biennale di Venezia by clicking here.